
“Tú Cuentas ¿Me Cuentas?” it’s a project born in 2018, and promoted by Colegio San José, in Valladolid and by the non-profit association REA, in Castilla y Léon.

This project focuses on the school community, with the purpose of combating bullying, reinforcing respect, tolerance, empathy and responsibility, through music.

For this, the Spanish music “Tú Cuentas” (You Count), from the folk / rock band “Celtas Cortos”, is used, creating several activities according to the students ages and courses, to reflect and discuss the issue.

Target Audience

All the school community including teachers, training staff and students from all ages.


  • To face bullying at schools by making visible and reflect on the respect, tolerance and responsibility through a tool as powerful as music;
  • Reflect on school bullying: people involved (victims, aggressors and observers), forms of bullying, consequences, etc;
  • To promote empathy with the people who suffer from school bullying and the need to act immediately, by the whole educational community, in order to solve the situation;
  • Highlight he important role of the observers in the detection and action against school bullying (direct support to the person who suffers it, indirect support through the notification of the facts, to show our rejection to this kind of violence, etc.);
  • To debate about the alternative solutions that can be developed from different groups (students, teachers, families) in order to solve this situation.

Skills to be improved

  • Respect;
  • Empathy;
  • Tolerance;
  • Inclusion;
  • Responsibility;
  • Teamwork and cooperation;

Training Team

Colegio San José Valladolid teachers, school group: “Mags+” teachers, and staff from educational centres working with children.

Description and workplan

This is an awareness raising campaign against bullying, based on, and whose main resource is the song “TÚ CUENTAS” (You Count), from the Spanish folk / rock music group “Celtas Cortos”. The idea came due to the awareness of the power that music has in children and young people, making them more receptive to the themes presented in them.


Colegio San Jose and the REA Association, in Valladolid, took on the challenge of creating the lyrics for a song that would be a hymn against bullying and the soundtrack for the School Day of Peace and Nonviolence.  Thus, the school group- “Grupo Mag+s”, under the leadership of Álvaro Fernández del Palacio, a young music teacher at college, and with the support of the band Celtas Cortos that gave the soundtrack, created this song.

After that, this song became extremely well-known, also passing through various sports venues and clubs in the city of Valladolid.


The motto “Tú cuentas”, “¿me cuentas?” is aimed at children who suffer from bullying, but also at their colleagues, friends, teachers and families. With this motto, the importance of communication without stigmas, is reinforced, where the priority is students, giving voice to all who are in a position of fragility.


Furthermore, with this song, a series of different activities are proposed, depending on the age / course of the students.  

Duration proposed

This initiative takes place throughout the school year.

Promoting Organisation

  • Colegio San José Valladolid: Catholic school in Valladolid (Spain). It teaches from nursery school to high school;
  • REA, non-profit association from Castilla y León (Spain) for the defense of children and young people.

Starting Year


Prizes / recognition received

  • Winner of the category ‘Coexistence and Inclusion Initiatives’ in the ‘Great Teachers, Great Initiatives’ Awards 2018-2019, promoted by the Atresmedia Foundation, together with Samsung and the International University of Valencia (VIU) and in collaboration with the Orange Foundation
  • Impact: This project has received support from other educational centres, as well as from the world of sport and numerous personalities from the city of Valladolid. The song and video clip created within the framework of the project were used in more than 150 schools, multiplying its impact.

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