
The Racines Project took place in 2019, for the first time, and was an artistic field dedicated to western percussions, their roots, and their evolution.

It involved students and professors of the Sfom, the Conservatoire de la Vallée d’Aoste, the G. Verdi Conservatory of Turin, in Italy, and the Ensemble Artistique de Bolomakoté, in Burkina Faso.

For 18 months, the four institutions collaborated and rehearsed, and at the end, for fifteen days, they met and shared rehearsals, seminars, conferences and concerts.

Target Audience

Students and teachers of the Sfom (Percussion ensemble Sfom), the Conservatoire de la Vallée d’Aoste, the G. Verdi Conservatory of Turin and the Ensemble Artistique de Bolomakoté (Burkina Faso).


With the concert Racines, the SFOM- Scuola di Formazione e Orientamento Musicale and the Conservatoire de la Vallée d’Aoste, wanted to give a strong signal of common design by providing skills and professionalism in the artistic and educational field.

Skills to be improved

  • Professionalism;
  • Knowledge of non-european cultures not only from the musical point of view;
  • Comparison between African and European musical concepts;
  • Parallel between sound and movement in the way balafon and marimba are played;
  • General enrichment in the sharing of a project.

Training Team

  • Scuola di Formazione e Orientamento Musicale: Marco Giovinazzo, Antonio Gigliotti, Lorenzo Guidolin, Gabriele Peretti, Andrea Severino;


  • Conservatoire de la Vallée d’Aoste: Mauro Gino, Etienne Mangaretto, Fabio Saccavino, Riccardo Salvarani, Lorenzo Scanavino;


  • Conservatorio G. Verdi di Torino: Riccardo Balbinutti, Paolo Bosa, Michel Chenuil, Giulia Giovinazzo, Francesco Parodi;


  • Ensemble Artistique de Bolomakoté: Yaya Ouattara, Seydou Dembélé, Makan Dembélé, Lamoussa Sanou, Sénimi Koné, Brama Sanou, Bie Ahmed Traoré;


  • Arrangements: Riccardo Balbinutti, Mauro Gino, Marco Giovinazzo;


  • Original music from the Burkinabé tradition by Yaya Ouattara.

Description and workplan

Racines Project 2019 involved students and professors of the Sfom, the Conservatoire de la Vallée d’Aoste, the G. Verdi Conservatory of Turin, and the Ensemble Artistique de Bolomakoté (Burkina Faso), for 18 months. They were the protagonists of an artistic journey that brought to the stage the roots of our western percussions, their evolution and the interweaving of cultured and oral languages.

First, there is programming and collection of materials in Burkina Faso (in Bobo Dioulasso). At the same time, in Italy, there are arrangements and ensemble rehearsals for students from SFOM and from Conservatories in Valle D’Aosta. In Burkina Faso, the ensemble of Bolomakoté and the Project Manager also have rehearsals. 

After this, there are general rehearsals in Italy, with concerts, seminars and conferences. A total of four concerts were held in three different cities: Aosta, Rivoli and Turin; two conferences, two seminars, and stages and rehearsal sessions, where all the boys had the opportunity to meet with musicians from other schools and with different cultures. A project that intended to bring to the stage the concept of sharing and meeting.

To underline the importance of this initiative and to demonstrate the interest of the two schools in creating networks and making their students live concert experiences also in festivals outside Valle, the Turin Conservatory has included this in its festival this concert, Friday 3 May 2019, at the auditorium of the G. Verdi Conservatory in Turin, one of the most prestigious halls in northern Italy.

Duration proposed

Fifteen days

Promoting Organization

Associazione Culturale Tamtando

Starting Year


You can follow them on…


SFOM- https://www.fondazionemusicalevda.it/sfom

Conservatoire de la Vallée d’Aoste- https://www.consaosta.it/

G. Verdi Conservatory of Turin- https://www.conservatoriotorino.gov.it/en/

Ensemble Artistique de Bolomakoté-  http://association.boloarts.wordpress.com/

Racines Project 2019