24 Nov Train the Trainer event finishes, Play2Grow project continues
On the 20th of November, the Train the Trainer week came to an end with the collection and discussion among project partners on the 12 best practices that have been addressed during the 5 days of the training.
This event, developed under a virtual format due to the Covid-19 pandemic, was an opportunity to share several practices regarding different topics.
The first day was dedicated to boot camps, during which partners got to know Summer and Musical Camps of Tomiño and the CLUSTER Summer Camp by Scuola di Formazione e Orientamento Musicale (SFOM), from Aosta (Italy).
On the next day, several teaching methods were the center of attention, starting with SFOM presenting the Suzuki Method and a Pop & Rock Workshop, and later SonDeSeu Orchestra, from Vigo, that explained their contemporary approach to the oral tradition music from Galicia.
The third day was about band acceleration and management, counting with the testimony of SoL Music Network, Fundación Paideia and School of Rock from Paredes de Coura, also presenting their residency program for emergent bands. All these projects have the main goal to provide their participants entrepreneurship skills to enter the professional music business.
Last day was dedicated to inclusion through music, starting with a presentation about a social project from Madrid by Ecoembes called El Música del Reciclaje, an inclusive orchestra that uses recycled instruments. There was also the opportunity to know Estudo Bonobo, a music school from Pontevedra, which talked about their several projects that aim to promote social inclusion, combining music with other artistic practices. Last but not least, the session ended with two testimonies from the Exchange of Instruments initiative and the Clarinet Ensemble of Goián, both projects from Tomiño.
Participants (trainers and youth workers of music-related organisations) have shared a series of tips and methods for the promotion and provision of key skills on their respective training activities, such as management and communication, teamwork and cooperation, among others, but they all had one thing in common: the effectiveness of teaching music in building a better and more capable society.
It has also served as an opportunity for project partners to know each other better and interact with other external projects that have been invited to participate in the event, opening the door to future collaborations between them.
We like to think about art as a hole and work through all its questions together.

We believe that the best school experience is made on stage, performing to different kinds of audience and, if possible, in a very professional environment.

It is a perfect metaphor for how the resources that made up the life of a culture for many years can be reused in education, culture and even economy itself.

The main aspects and methodologies highlighted in the best practices during the TTT meeting will be incorporated in the training contents that are being developed by the project partners. These resources will be available for anyone who wants to apply these practices and methods to any music learning context.
All these resources, some of them really simple to apply, remind us that, like one of the partners Víctor Gil Serafini from La Música del Reciclaje said in this event, “having nothing is not an excuse for doing nothing”.
All the interventions of the week are available in the YouTube channel of the project.
Play2Grow project keeps on the move!